SJWMS ties up with APSA in implementing Standards-Based Assessment

St. John's Wort Montessori School (SJWMS) is committed to providing quality education that will produce globally competitive individuals through exceptional education opportunities and holistic development that will prepare students to become responsible leaders who will serve GOD, country and others.
In line with its mission, SJWMS forged a partnership with the Asian Psychological Services and Assessment (APSA), the leading assessment company in the country in assessing student achievement thru APSA’s Standards- Based Assessment (SBA).
The SBA is the latest assessment technology that addresses the needs of schools for quality assessment. For School Year 2024-2025, proficiency levels of students will be assessed in the core subject areas using national and global standards. Results of the SBA not only provides objective feedback to the students but imparts as well relevant information to the teachers, subject area heads, principals, parents, and other stakeholders for decision-making in terms of curriculum, instruction, competency-development programs and capacity building.
The pioneer in Standards-Based Assessment, APSA continues to deliver excellent and focused assessment technologies and competence-development programs for the academe and the industry.