The Unique Features of the SBA tools also includes how the results are presented and given as feedback. The different reports include:

- The Student Performance Report (SPR) includes the following data:
- A graphic presentation of a student’s Scaled Ability Score (SAS) and its equivalent Percentile Rank (PR) scores.
- The Scaled Ability Score (SAS) indicates whether the student meets or does not meet the required skills for his grade level.
- The Percentile Rank (PR) scores allow the student to compare his ability with other students in his school and other examinees throughout the nation. Furthermore, the SPR also details the items that the student answered correctly; it also shows the student’s learning deficiencies. This then, allows students, parents, and teachers to focus learning towards these noted specific developmental areas.
- Class Performance Report (CPR) for the Teachers. This report details the performance of the students in a particular section or class.
- A School Performance Report (ScPR) for the School Administrator or Principal. This report graphically summarizes the performance of the school in relation to the standards.
- Not Just Norm-Referenced. The other significant feature of the SBA in education is that it is not just Norm Referenced, but also Standards Based. The score of a norm-referenced test is based on the performance of the test takers. With the SBA score, it is also based on the content and performance standards needed to be learned in a particular curricular level.