Dr. Nobuyaso Katayama Convenes With Local Science Educators
Speaks On Biology Education in Japan
In its dedication to uplifting the standards of education in the country, now, looking specifically on Science education, APSA organized an intimate gathering of Science educators last February 3, 2012 at the Angelo King International Conference Center, Malate, Manila.

Dr. Nobuyaso Katayama, Chair of the Association for Asian Biology Education (AABE) was invited as guest speaker. Dr. Katayama presented the current Biology education in Japan. Differences in the educational systems between that of Japan and that of the Philippines were noted. However, Dr. Nobu revealed that both countries have the same demanding challenges. “Insufficient training for teachers” was named as one important item to face up to.
Professor Teresita Religioso, Academic Directress of Elizabeth Seton School and as a science educator herself, shared her perspectives on the current status and directions of Science education in the country. Preparations being undertaken by different schools for the “K+12”program of DepEd were also discussed.
APSA Chairman and CEO Dr. Leticia Asuzano also mentioned the formation of the Association of Biology Education in Asia. This is seen as an avenue to help boost the achievement level in Science in the country. Supported by both the national and international studies, the three-year performance of APSA subscribing schools presented by Dr. Asuzano indicate that there is more to be done for our Science education.