College of San Benildo- Rizal (CoSB-R) implements APSA's SBA

College of San Benildo – Rizal, (CoSB-R) is one of the leading educational institutions in the country that is committed to providing quality education through well-rounded programs designed to be responsive to the needs of the students. These programs are anchored on strong Christian values formation and are designed to mold students to become globally competitive men and women of character.
In line with its mission, CoSB-R forged a partnership with the Asian Psychological Services and Assessment (APSA), which is the leading organization in the country in assessing and evaluating student achievement using Standards- Based Assessment (SBA) tools.
The SBA is the latest assessment technology that addresses the needs of schools for quality assessment and evaluation. The assessment proper will identify what students should know and what students should be able to do at a certain grade level in various subject areas. The proficiency levels of students in core subject areas are assessed with national and global standards using of APSA’s SBA. The results of the SBA can provide objective feedback to the students, and can impart relevant information to the teachers, subject area heads, principals, parents, and other stakeholders in designing and improving the curriculum, instruction, competency-development programs, and capacity-building strategies.
The pioneer in Standards-Based Assessment, APSA continues to deliver excellent and focused assessment technologies and competence-development programs for the academe and the industry.