United International Private School of Dubai partners with APSA

True to its mission of providing quality education, the United International Private School of Dubai has taken a big step in improving student achievement by partnering with Asian Psychological Services and Assessment (APSA). Last September 2015, The School Principal Dr. Eunice P. Orzame together with MME. BADRIA ALI Deputy Managing Director signed a Memorandum of Agreement with APSA to assess grade 10 students using APSA’s Aptitude test. Dr. Maria Jolit Angeline P. Malaya, School Psychologist administered the Aptitude test to grade 10 students last October 28, 2015. The Aptitude test is designed to assess potential of high school students to do college work and to better prepare them for career opportunities. Results will help students identify their potential and help them in choosing their careers.
The only ISO certified testing company in the Philippines, APSA is the leading organization and the pioneer in developing Standards-Based Assessment.