APSA offers Standards- Based Assessment (SBA) from Preschool to Senior High School
The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 stating that the “State shall create a functional basic education system that will develop productive and responsible citizens equipped with essential competencies, skills and values for both life- long learning and employment, strengthens the Department of Education’s serious resolve to improve the quality of basic education in our country.
The Asian Psychological Services and Assessment, a leading organization in test development in the country is one with DepEd’s mission in giving students equal opportunity to receive quality education that is at par with international standards and in providing students better career opportunities and preparation for college education in a globally competitive world.
In 2003, APSA introduced the latest approach in evaluating student achievement, the Standards- Based Assessment (SBA). APSA’s Standards- Based Assessment addresses the needs of schools for quality assessment that will identify what students should know or what students should be able to do at a certain grade level in various subject areas.
At present, based on DepEd’s K-12 curriculum, SBA focuses on the STANDARDS each level from Preschool to Senior High School, pronounced both nationally and internationally. The APSA SBA test measures student achievement and competencies in the core subject areas: English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science. For Grade 11, the available tests are Reading and Writing, General Mathematics, and Earth Science.
With standards-based assessment, individual student, teachers, parents, school administrators will get the following BENEFITS:
- The SBA provides good feedback to the student on how well he/she has learned and the degree of his/her readiness to move to a higher educational level.
- The SBA pinpoints competencies of students and learning gaps which serve as bases for learning reinforcement or remediation.
- The SBA will determine performance of your students against school, national and international norms.
- Results of the assessment can also aid teachers and the school to identify the areas of strengths and developmental areas which consequently can provide information for improvement of the institution’s curriculum.
- Furthermore, the SBA provides an objective and relevant feedback to the school in terms of its quality and effectiveness of instruction against national norms and international standards.
Under the SBA, APSA has developed a battery of tests that form a strong base for selecting students for the upper division level. These are the Assessment for College Potential (ACP); Assessment for Nursing Potential (ANP); Assessment for Engineering Potential (AEP); and Assessment for Accountancy Potential (AAP); Assessment for Teachers Potential (ATP); Assessment for Maritime Potential (AMP) and Assessment for Criminology Potential (ACrP).
As APSA continues to create more effective tests, it has also been upgrading its operational system in line with ISO standards. The only ISO certified testing company, APSA is the partner of more than 200 schools nationwide.
Interested parties may call Teng, Nette, Jen or Mark at 5271901 or 85257277 or email to apsa1281@yahoo.com or visit www.apsa-esba.com.